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Monthly Market Update for Columbia, SC December 2019

Monthly Market Update for Columbia, SC December 2019

Market update for December 2019, the overall Average Sales Price was up 6.5 percent to $216,158. New Listings were up 17.6 percent to 915. Pending Sales increased 19.5 percent to 876. Inventory grew 9.2 percent to 2,991 units. The price range that tended to sell the quickest was the $100,001 to $150,000 range at 35 […]

Who Do You Work With?

Who Do You Work With?

You’re walking along about your day and someone stops you and ask, “So who do you work with?” what is your elevator speech? You should have a well-defined group who you chose to work with. If you respond “anyone”, my friend you will soon be out of business, because you will not be running a […]

5 Easy Ways Tips To Grow Your Business

5 Easy Ways Tips To Grow Your Business

There is no mystery formula to using social media to grow your business. You have to keep up with the changes in platforms and how the algorithms work to successful use social media to grow your business. If you leverage social media correctly is can make a huge difference in your business, we call it […]

Selling Your Home

Selling Your Home

Selling a home involves many different people and processes: these could include multiple sellers, home buyers, real estate agents, lenders, escrow and title, couriers, notaries, lawyers, accountants, inspectors, appraisers, homeowner associations, county and city officials, including tax authorities. This is why it is so important to choose your real estate agent carefully: they will be […]