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Selling Your Home

Selling Your Home

Selling a home involves many different people and processes: these could include multiple sellers, home buyers, real estate agents, lenders, escrow and title, couriers, notaries, lawyers, accountants, inspectors, appraisers, homeowner associations, county and city officials, including tax authorities.

This is why it is so important to choose your real estate agent carefully: they will be the ones on whom all information is funneled through. It is incumbent on them to work aggressively to protect your interests. as in all investments, access to current, accurate information is critical to making an informed decision, which is why we use the latest technologies to monitor pricing, inventories, pricing gaps, and many other factors. To schedule a private meeting with the Flagler Real Estate Team regarding the sale of your home click here.

Why the Tiffanie Flagler and the Flagler Real Estate Team? Marketing and experience: Flagler Real Estate has experienced very strong growth, and is a leader in representing buyers and sellers of homes in Richland, Lexington, and Kershaw County. Flagler Real Estate’s marketing is legendary! We spend money marketing your home for sale, not just hoping it will sell. (Tiffanie Flagler has been recognized for it’s outstanding marketing). We look forward to working with you on the sale of your Richland, Lexington, or Kershaw County home and welcome any questions you have about working with Tiffanie Flagler and the Flagler Real Estate Team.

selling a home

Below are the key steps to selecting and agent and selling a home. Don’t rush into something you don’t feel comfortable with: though time is of the essence, it is never good to be rushed into making such an important decision as you are about to make with what is, to many, their most valuable financial asset.

1. Prepare Your Home For Sale:

Now that you’ve made the decision to sell your home, there is much that needs to be done. One is preparing your home to sell. (We live in our homes, so getting a home in ‘selling condition’ involves making some changes.) Here is excellent information on what needs to be done before putting your home on the market.

2. Research Whom To Market Your Home:

Don’t hesitate to contact more than one agent and company before putting your home on the market. This is not a time to rush into anything: ask questions about them, their company and how they plan to market your home. Make sure to ask for a written marketing plan that details how they will market your home on both the Internet and in print. (Click here for basic information on the Flagler Real Estate’s seller marketing plan.) To schedule a private meeting with Tiffanie Flagler of a member of her team regarding the sale of your home click here.

3. Schedule Meetings With The Agents:

Called a listing presentation, the agent will discuss with your their marketing plan and how they plan to implement it. This is a great time to ask as many questions as necessary to either accept or reject the agent. Don’t hesitate to ask tough questions – it’s your home and your money. And don’t forget to ask for referrals if that helps you more comfortable.

Caution: some agents will ‘buy’ a listing for the sole purpose of having what is called ‘signage’. (This means they want to get neighborhood exposure by having their name on a ‘For Sale’ sign and will supply an inflated listing price.) Don’t list with an agent simply because they give you the highest estimated sales price. Fact is, the only 2 people who truly know the value of your home is you, the seller, and the buyer. Agents don’t price houses, the market prices houses.) Our primary responsibility is to maximimize the exposure of your home so that more potential buyers see your home, negotiate the best sales price and terms, and marshall the sale through to completion. Click here for tips on pricing your home for sale. To schedule a private meeting with the Flagler Real Estate Team regarding the sale of your home click here.

4. List Your Home For Sale:

Now comes the hard part! Open houses, keeping the house extra clean, agents that don’t show up at all after making an appointment – or show up early or late. Dealing with intrusions by strangers. Yes, selling a home is not much fun. But with the right agent and proper marketing, the Flagler Real Estate Team can help make it less stressful.

5. Dealing With Offers:

This is where a good agent is worth their proverbial weight in gold. There is more to selling a home than just the price: what are the terms of the offer? Is there a small downpayment and low credit scores but a higher offering price? Or is the buyer strong financially, but the offer leaves a little to be desired from a price perspective? There are many, many things to consider when an offer to purchase your home comes in. Again, a good agent with strong negotiating skills is very important. (This is why taking your time during the agent interview process is so important.)

6. The Closing Process:

So, you’ve accepted their offer and opened escrow. Congratulations! There are still many things to be done: for the buyer, the clock for discovery and removal of contingencies is running. The appraisal and inspections must be ordered and a request for repairs submitted to the sellers’ agent and negotiated between buyer and seller. (The # of days before the buyer must remove contingencies is negotiable) For the seller, it is time to disclose specifics about the home on a couple of forms: one is the Property Disclosure Statement and another is the lead based paint disclosure of the Home was built prior to 1978. If you have questions about what must be disclosed be certain to ask your agent: this is not a time to hide anything as not disclosing pertinent issues and facts could potentially delay the close of the sale, but could also result in a lawsuit. Also, HOA documents must be ordered and any negotiated repairs made.

7. After The Close Of Home:

Now it’s time to move! The date of possession is set forth in the purchase agreement and is negotiable, so make certain that you are out of the property in the prescribed time. The Attorney should have contacted you regarding the last couple of items that need to be settled – and that’s pretty much it.

We hope that this page was informative; we look forward to answering any questions you have about our Home Sellers Marketing System and how we continue selling more homes in Richland, Lexington, and Kershaw County year after year than any other broker. To schedule a private meeting with Tiffanie Flagler regarding the sale of your home click here.

What’s my home worth?

  • Tiffanie Flagler and the Flagler Real Estate Team: Find out why we’re the #1 new home sales brokerage
  • Facts about Tiffanie Flagler ana the Flagler Real Estate Team
  • Sellers Marketing Plan: Find out more about why more people select Tiffanie Flagler and the Flagler Real
  • Estate Team to market their home for sale
  • FREE Home Market Analysis of your Richland, Lexington, and Kershaw County home
  • Pre-Market Meeting: How we get your Richland, Lexington, and Kershaw County home SOLD!
  • Understanding the Closing Process: what to watch out for during escrow.
  • Closing Costs: What costs and fees to plan for
  • Real Estate Glossary: Words, terms and acronyms defined

Sitemap: Where everything’s at
We Would Like To Hear From You:
We welcome your questions and comments about our website.

Ready to sell your Richland, Lexington, or Kershaw County home, or investmentproperty and desire the best in marketing? Request a FREE preliminary home marketing consultation with Tiffanie Flagler from the Flagler Real Estate Team.

Looking to buy a home or investment property in Richland, Lexington, and Kershaw County? Click here to request a FREE Home Buyers Consultation.


Tiffanie Flagler

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