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5 Easy Ways Tips To Grow Your Business

5 Easy Ways Tips To Grow Your Business

There is no mystery formula to using social media to grow your business. You have to keep up with the changes in platforms and how the algorithms work to successful use social media to grow your business. If you leverage social media correctly is can make a huge difference in your business, we call it the game changer! I can help you get started with a customized plan to meet your business needs! You can become a social media guru from your cell phone, after all what’s the use in having smart if it is not making you money!

easy ways to grow your busimess

People spend and enormous amount of time on social media platforms! Social media platforms like facebook has capitalized on this information and learned to place the right ads in front of the consumers at the right time to have them clicking and buying! You can do the same with a little work… I know you have to be wondering what in the world is she talking about. My timeline is flooded, how in the world am I going to stay relevant! My friend we have solutions to help you with that! So you have no content, haven’t developed a brand so you don’t have a following…

I’ve got the magic potion, stand firm my friend because help is on the way. Tiffanie Flagler does business consulting and helps you to develop a brand that will help you stand out from the crowd. Two minds are better than one so let’s start the plan by discussing your vision for your business. It doesn’t matter what kind of business you are starting you have to identify your niche. What do you offer that is unique to that market? Today I offer 5 easy to follow steps by clicking the link below you can get your free copy now…

Make this an eguide that they can download once the fill out a form to capture their email, phone number, do you currently own or rent, are you a home owner looking to sell your home or want to know the value, are you looking to buy a new home?

With these five easy-to-follow principles, you can take your social media glass from empty to overflowing and create a brand that people will come to know, trust and LOVE!

1 Start with ONE platform: When you’re trying to build a brand on social media, it can seem overwhelming, even daunting to get started. There are a multitude of platforms available and you feel pulled to have engagement on all of them. Who has time for this?! I will tell you right away, stick to one platform to start. Figure out where your tribe hangs out the most and tackle that one first. Get your strategy perfected on one before you dabble into any others.

2 Post Consistently: If you only take away one piece of advice, please take this! By posting consistently, you are going to be more loved by those “algorithms and show up more frequently to the people you want to reach! While not absolutely necessary, try posting around the same time every day. You can experiment with this to see when your specific audience is most responsive and then stick to that time when possible.

3 Share Engaging Content: DO NOT, I REPEAT, DO NOT just post your listings. If you are posting your listings to advertise for your sellers, that is okay! However, you may want to think about creating targeted ads for your listings rather than spamming your entire feed with them. Bonus Tip: Post a specific picture of a listing feature you love rather than limiting your audience to boring links to your listings. Most of what you post should not and does not have to be directly about real estate. Ask questions that will get people to engage, share tips and tricks, post community information, eye catching images, photos of home renovations, holiday themed posts, etc. The options are endless when it comes to keeping your audience engaged without focusing 100% on selling yourself as a Realtor. My biggest tip: Be a resource before a Realtor when it comes to social media posts!

4 Show Up: This goes hand in hand with #3. While posting engaging content, be sure that you are personally showing up in your feed once in a while. Don’t be camera shy. Remember, it doesn’t have to be perfect, it just has to be YOU! Whether it’s you picking out your Christmas tree, volunteering at church, or just sitting at your desk – share YOU! People will start to know you and look forward to seeing what you’re up to. When people start seeing you, you will build trust with your audience. This will majorly help to grow your brand and stay top of mind to all of your family and friends who follow you. For triple bonus points, show up on video! Whether it's video or photos, don't be afraid to show your personality! You want to attract the people who want to work with you.

5 Interact: If you follow 1-4, you are off to a great start but make sure you don’t get caught up just posting your content and disappearing. Interact with your friends and followers. Spend time commenting and liking other posts and building relationships. Most importantly, Be YOU! Interaction can be taken one step further by joining community Facebook groups and contributing helpful information. Again – be a resource before you’re a realtor. Don’t join groups to start posting listings and your real estate website. Instead, focus on being a resource in the community.

social media tips flagler real estate llc

How do you bring all of this together? Create a schedule that incorporates these tips into your calendar for one week. It’s time to learn how to market your business better. It’s time to build a sustainable lifestyle so you can spend more time with your family (or just snuggling your dogs)! If you want to leverage social media to grow your business and stay top of mind with family and friends, you have to have a plan! Start implementing these ideas and watch your online brand grow.

Cheers to social media success! Just Believe…

Tiffanie Flagler


Tiffanie Flagler

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